Mimi Levin Lieber
Miriam Leah Levin was born on March 22, 1928, in Detroit and passed on October 16th, 2021 at 93 years old. Her husband, Charles Lieber, died in 2016. Mimi is survived by her four children, Janno, James, Theo, and Angie as well as ten grandchildren, all treasured and adored. May her memory remain a blessing to all who knew and were impacted by Mimi's generosity.
Mimi understood that early literacy is essential - for today, for tomorrow. She created an innovative community-based literacy model that views communities affected by systemic inequity from an asset point of view. She placed parents at the center. She mobilized many people, resources, and stakeholders to join a movement. At no point in LINC’s 25 year history has this work been more important than now, as New York reels from the impact of COVID and attempts to rebuild a more equitable city.
“It’s critical to include as many different members of the community as possible in this effort to ensure every kid is a good reader because it’s important for children to feel that lots of people care deeply about how they turn out, who wish them well and want the best for them and are willing to make every effort to make it happen for them.”
— Mimi Levin Lieber
“Her legacy reminds us that we must support and invest in our children’s education from the earliest years, when it matters the most and that universal literacy is critical to sustaining a healthy democracy.”
— U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler

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